golden bee is an international creative collective (1994 – present) with a common interest in using art and literature to explore bee ecology, and our shared relationship with bees through culture, mythology and our social and built environments.
At the heart of the project are notions of interconnection, sustainability in all spheres, and the linking of art, ideas and community to further social and cultural progress.

Through collaboration and creative expression, golden bee aims to:
- present a series of exhibitions that draw attention to the plight of bees’, symptomatic of broader environmental issues.
- develop an international network and build an online archive containing the collective’s creative productions.
To date, exhibition contributors include artists, performers and writers from Australia, United Kingdom and Europe.
In April 2017 golden bee staged Gyllene Bi – Hunting and Gathering Intimacy exhibition in Stockholm, Sweden. This project followed on from Hive Alive! at Alpha House Artist Collective Gallery in Newtown, Sydney, launched the project in its new incarnation in 2016.
Hive Alive 2016, the buzz, Sydney Australia
There are plenty of images on our golden bee Facebook Group page and more information on our website. In April & May 2017 we worked with The Norwich Dandies to present an exhibition entitled Golden Bee Dew as part of their Dandifest celebrations.
The golden bees remain active in their various environments around the world through performance and participation in the arts and by facilitating bee / pollinator related exhibitions, workshops and other community education activities and communications.
Bernadette is one of the project founders and continues to be actively involved in the collective, through design, development and various activities. Some of the ongoing costs of the project are covered by the sale of her screenprinted merchandise.
Email to place an order.

All shirts $35 each (including postage to anywhere in Australia).